1.Documents might be returned that do not exactly match the specified characters, as shown in Table 1.
2.Green plants have evolved their energy filtration mechanism to exactly match the characteristics of the Sun as an energy emitter.
3.Please input the name of organization. The system will search for the tax-exempt charities which exactly match the input.
4.The text inserted must exactly match the name of the business graph used by the adapter (see step 2 of Create the business processes).
5.does not exactly match the bank's information.
6.The signature of this declaration must exactly match the signature of the property or procedure that it overrides.
7.Make sure that phone model and boot version of the phone to be unlocked exactly match the model and boot version stated in the list.
8."Exact Match" means that the URL of the page visited must exactly match what you enter for the Goal URL.
9.The only problem was, rock n'roll and that countryside don't exactly match.
10.The layout of the new Git repository is going to exactly match our internal layout.